Saturday, December 29, 2007

Help Establish Latent Personality - H.E.L.P.

In India, we have lot of poverty compare to the other developed countries. Reasons are plenty, but it’s not difficult to zero it down to two main reasons, first being lack of education and somehow if one gets the education second hurdle being the opportunity. We are neither government nor non-government organization, wherein we start thinking on the lines of creating education funds and providing free education to the children’s.

Here, we are talking about the people who are educated, but because of lack of opportunity our country offers, either they flee to foreign countries, if they are capable or if they have somehow got the education and not being able to go to foreign countries, they settle here with whatever job they get, so that they can meet their ends, and in the bargain what is happening at one hand is, we remain where we are and foreign countries using our talents, becoming more and more richer and on the other hand our really talented educated people, who really wants to do something big, some thing measurable, some thing the country wants today, because of lack of opportunity and ability to raise the funds, these talents are killing themselves slowly but surely.

It's not that, our government has not done anything for them; yes they have done their bit. They have started the employment fund, wherein they have been distributing subsidized loans of Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 100,000 to the entrepreneurs, through nationalized banks. On paper they must have given over 1000 Crores to the so called entrepreneurs, but if you really go to see, actually educated mass must have got less then 50 Crores, and that too if their business funds requirements were Rs. 300,000/-, they have got only Rs. 50,000/- and without any guidance, supervision and commitment. In the bargain what have happened was they have taken 50 Crores, enjoyed it for couple of months and went back to the same old way, and balance Rs. 950 Crores have gone back to our governments red-tapes and corruptions

We have lots of Banks and financial institutions, which are ready to sanction project loans up to 70% of the project size, but they are not interested in your business apart from their interest and principal. God forbids if projections go slightly haywire, it's very difficult to organize fresh funds for that dying business, even from the same banks and financial institutions. Instead of injecting funds in the dyeing business as fresh oxygen, they start to bleed the dyeing business like a zoke, so that they can minimize their risk.

On the other hand, we have lots of trusts and NGO's, who are helping the poorer section of the society, no doubts they are doing the noble work, but unfortunately they fail to understand one basic principal, that is, I don't know, who said that, that if somebody comes to you for a fish, don't give him fish, for if you give him fish today he will come back again tomorrow wanting another fish from you, instead teach him how to fish, so that he not only can feed himself, but also can teach end number of needy people likewise, how to fish.

And that's what I intends to do at Help Establish Latent Personality (HELP). I personally feel, what one is doing for the poorer section of the society, among from them choose one, two, ten, twenty or whatever numbers one fancies and can afford, and make them capable of doing the same thing that one is doing. Instead of scattering our limited resources to tens of hundreds of poor people, focus and spend the same resources to one or two poor people. Make them self reliant, make them stand on their own two feet's, make them responsible citizens, in turn make them replicate the same efforts when they are capable.

One feels good to have a piece of cake on a full stomach, try breaking a one day fast like Ramadan with only one or two pieces of cakes, and see how do you feel. Assuming one individual distribute two pieces of cakes to 500 poor children's. Assuming each cake cost him Rs. 10/-, he has spent Rs. 10,000/- on 500 children's, if those Rs. 10,000/- he would have spent on 10 children, he could have sponsored their one-year notebooks and textbooks. Same money could have been invested on any of the needy entrepreneur who is finding it difficult to organize Rs. 10,000/- for his business startup capital. With those Rs. 10,000/- he could have started his business, he could have earned easily livelihood for his family. Think for a moment, what is better? Feeding hungry children with paltry one or two pieces of cakes or sponsoring 1-year books for 10 poor students or helping one family to establish them?

At HELP, I intend to create a corpus fund of Rs. 500 Crores, and run it like a full-fledged corporate entity. The main purpose of HELP, would be to:

Help educated people to launch them in their choice of business.
Provide him with all feasibility, projection and trainings.
Provide him with the finances without any interest to run and maintain the business.
Provide him with professionals to make sure that his business becomes success.

Project size could be anywhere from Rs. 5 Lac to Rs. 1 Crores. The following are the criteria’s for him to get help from HELP:

He should have a clear business plan.
He should be qualified for the business.
The business should create at least 100 jobs on a permanent basis. More the merrier.
He should invest his full time in his business along with 5% of the required capital.
He should return the invested capital in his business, within three to five years.
He should give 25% profits of first 5 years, 12.5% profits of second five years and 6.25% profit of the third five years to HELP.
After becoming success, he should give at least 4 days in a month for 3 years to HELP for free.
He should help establish at least 2 people on his own in next two years, the same way.

If we could do this successfully, do you know what are we talking about doing in 20 years? A glimpse follows:

Assuming on an average, Rs. 25 Lac per venture, we are talking about giving birth to 2000 business houses in very first year.

To assist those 2000 businesses become successful, we will be providing say 10 professional to each business and it means 20,000 job opportunities in first year itself.

Being one of our criteria to create at least 100 permanent jobs means another 200,000 job opportunities, within a span of 3 to 9 months, after the launch of the business.

Assuming we take 2 years to make those businesses establish and make them profit centers, we will be getting 25% profit from those businesses fourth year onward (1 year to start the business + 2 years to establish them, i.e. 3 years over), apart from our principal investment back in equated monthly installment after a moratorium period of 6 months. In two years i.e. at the end of 3rd year, we would have got back 18 EMI's back, i.e. (500 Crores Corpus Fund / distributed to 2000 Businesses / for 60 months * 18 EMI's received * from 2000 Businesses) is Rs. 150 Crores.

Assuming each business generates only 5% as its profit of its capital investment, 5% of Rs. 25 Lac means Rs. 1.25 Lac per month. 25% share of profit comes to Rs. 31,250 per month, i.e. Rs. 3.75 Lac pa per business * 2000 businesses is Rs. 75 Crores.

Assuming we took 1 year to finalize, train, create and recruit the 2000 businesses, we have launched them on the first day of our 2nd year, we took 2 years to help establish them, i.e. our three years are over, simultaneously we can finalize, train, create and recruit another 600 businesses, on the first day of fourth year we can launch another 600 businesses from the EMI's received back, and repeat the same process again.

For all these calculations, please mail me requesting file named Help Calculations.

On the above assumptions, it would be very interesting to note, what could happen in 20 years?

We will be creating over 50,000 new business houses.
We will be creating over 55 Lacs permanent jobs.
After 20 years our corpus fund of Rs. 500 Crores will become over Rs. 2,300 Crores.
Apart from our corpus fund we will be having investments over Rs. 14,500 Crores in various businesses.
If these 50,000 businessmen replicate the efforts only twice by helping two of their friends or relatives and they do the same, we are talking about creating mind boggling over 20 Lacs business houses and over 20 Crores permanent jobs for our countrymen in the same 20 years.

It's a very raw concept; I need your suggestions, for the following:

In general, how is the concept?
Is it feasible?
What all is required to show the light of the day to this concept?
What could be the sources of creating corpus fund of Rs. 500 Crores?
Would you like to join hand with me in this endeavor?
What help can we garner from Government of India?

The reason for thinking and conceiving this concept is very fact that, in India we have plenty of talents, who are lacking success just because of their financial background and ability to raise the required funds for their business venture. We will be pioneering in starting a different type of university, who will not only teach how to do business, but also will assist them doing their business, apart from financing them without any interest.

Come join hands with me and help me establish HELP, so that when we leave for our final journey, we will leave this world a better world to leave in. Obliviously, in the bargain we will be making some very good money together and tell me what better way could be to make money while doing such great work for the society in particular and for our motherland in general.

Please don’t disappoint me by keeping quit, I mean by not replying to this mail. I am expecting your healthy critical comments, ASAP.

Thank you very much for your valuable time for reading this, and thank you in advance for your valuable criticism, comments and suggestions.


A. H. Shaikh
+91 0 98210 99168

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